"I would like to very much welcome you in Our Blog, where we will get a chance to share various staffs from our company and in all aspects of life in general, Enjoy the rest of the show and please, don't hesitate to contribute just about anything in this Blog and Our Company as a whole."

Friday, December 31, 2010

Are You Ready.....??!!

As we are all looking forward to the coming year 2011, We would like to get your self ready different plans that we have prepared for you in this year.There are quiet a lot of staffs including various promotions that will make your dream come true. Just stay tuned and have a Prosperous New Year.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011, Kazi Bado Inaendelea....

We would like to sincerely thank you all  for your biggest support to our business.
Be rest assured that we are determined to give you the best units and services that you deserve in the coming year 2011.
See some of the units below:

2003 Toyota Hurrier

2000 Toyota Camry

2001 Landrover Freelander

2001Suzuki Grand Escudo

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

As We All Prepare for the Coming New Year 2011...!

Looking back on the months gone by,
As a new year starts and an old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.
Recalling all the happy times,
Remembering how they enriched our lives,
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the fresh and bright new year arrives.
And when we ponder those who do,
we immediately think of YOU.
Thanks for being one of the reasons We'll have a

Wishing You and Yours all the best in 2011 -
may you share peace, love, and happiness with those who touch your life in 2011. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Congratulations Kilimanjaro Stars......Wish all the best in the final match!

Kilimanjaro Stars gave Tanzanians an ideal weekend gift yesterday when they cruised into the Cecafa Tusker Senior Challenge Cup final with a 5-4 win on over Uganda Cranes in post match penalties at the National Stadium

Kilimanjaro Stars Celebrating a goal..

Kilimanjaro Stars present Coach
Jan Poulsen

Kilimanjaro Stars former Coach Maximo

Kilimanjaro Stars

Happy 49 Years Of Independence - Tanzania!

The Late Mwl. Julias K. Nyerere,(RIP)  Father of this nation..

 Leaders of the Country after Nyerere to date..

Construction activities since pre-independence...

 Our Emblem after independence which explains our freedom and unity...

Uhuru Peak, at Mt. Kilimanjaro...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Beautful Tanzania!

Tanzania, our beautiful country, The land of Kilimanjaro, Serengeti and Zanzibar..... Proudly Tanzania!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World's HIV/AIDS Day!

I believe that this could very well be looked back on as the sin of our generation...I believe that our children and their children, 40 or 50 years from now, are going to ask me, what did you do while 40 million children became orphans in Africa? So lets all unite and Investment in AIDS, because we will be repaid a thousand-fold in lives saved and communities held together..

It's really important for people who are HIV positive to reach out to let other people know that they can be tested, they can find out they can still live a life -- a positive life, a happy life...

No one can lead our lives for us. We are responsible for our actions. So people—especially the younger generation---need to be very careful especially where safe sex is concerned....

Unite against AIDS!