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Monday, January 24, 2011

How to Survive Mondays at Work..

Did you know that Mondays can be hazardous to your health? They're very stressful; the highest incidence of work-related injuries happen or occur on this day. There's also an increase in on-the-job heart attacks. Here's what you can do to make Mondays easier on your mind and body.

1. Always try to eat a healthy breakfast on Monday morning (Actually, you should have a healthy breakfast EVERY morning, but if you can't, at least do this on Monday. Have some juice, cereal, and some type of protein. If you don't, your blood sugar will be VERY low by mid-morning. You'll be dragging your feet (and the rest of you).

2. Have A Pleasant Social Activity Planned-Do something that you've always wanted or are greatly looking forward to (Every so often, take off Monday!).
3. Don't Do A Lot Of Chores On Monday Evening-Switch the work to other days of the week. Unwind instead (You'll thank me for this later).

4. Don't Over-Schedule- If at all possible, avoid setting urgent deadlines on this day. Try to spread your workload throughout the week.

5. Allow Yourself Extra Time To Get Ready-Arriving late will just cause you extra stress and you'll feel "out of it" the whole day. And than there's the ripple effect, because somehow even when you get off work.....but that's another feature to explore!
6. Don't stay out late Sunday night!-No further comment's needed here (Is it?).

7. How Do You Spend Your Weekend Time?-If you're still tired after the weekend or a three-day one, you may need to spend more time relaxing on Saturday and Sunday (See My Previous Post in this Blog) 

8. Try To Wrap Any Unfinished Work Or Projects On Friday if possible. That way, you won't have that last nagging bit of work to be fretting about over the weekend.

9. Try Your Best To Not Eat Any Heavy Food Sunday Evening-There's a correlation between heavy, fatty food intake and Monday heart attacks. (Now, I know a lot of you still have the traditional Sunday dinner; DON'T GIVE THAT UP! I would advise you that if the meal's a bit on the hearty side, just eat in moderation. 
10. Exercise On The Weekends-Even if your job involves physical labor, working out will keep you loose, limber and fit (And if you're going to pig out, it sure wouldn't hurt, right?). Now this is where doing the chores can kick in; you'll be combining your "fitness program" and getting laundry, housecleaning, or yard work all done at the same time. See how easy that was?

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