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Friday, February 11, 2011

Arusha AWAKE, February, 2011!

Yesterday I had an opportunity to attend this program named Arusha AWAKE at Safari Hotel, one of the historical hotels in Arusha.

New Safari Hotel
The program aims to reach youth of below 30 years to awake them in all aspects of life being in their studies, working places, business  marriage etc. It's for the youth to see all the challenges facing them in their daily life and how to go about them. It has been prepared by Magna House of Solutions, directed by Coach George, who usually conducts different professional training session in various aspects of life.

Coach George

He told me this program will be conducted once in every month and its FREE for all youth in Arusha.  One of the segments in this program is known as KILI HERO. And this months hero was Moses, who was interviewed and and explained his experience in in climbing mount Kilimanjaro before.

Coach George on left introducing Moses
 He told the whole story of how he initiated the idea of climbing this highest mountain in Africa till he made it to the peak. "It wasn't a small task" he said, "It requires enough preparations of the of mind and physically you have to be very fit to make it to the top". Moses added that he faced challenges such as getting very tired in the middle of the journey but some factors came in his mind to challenge him to reach the top including the fact that his sister had made it to the top before, so he gave himself a hope that he can also make it even if its by crowing. What an interesting story.

Moses in the middle of an interview   

After the interview, Moses as given a brand new Toshiba Laptop from UK by Coach
 So at the end the story, we relate the story of the Hero in the reality of life where its true that there is alot of challenges that we have to face and end of the day succeed. Another guest this month was Godwin who also has a record of climbing Mt. Kilimanajaro up and came down within 24HRS.

Coach George introducing Godwin
According to his story, had never got a chance to go the Secondary School but he speaks a very good and clear English more that those who had gone to college and he now owns a Safari Company and a Charity Centre. This challenges us not to give up because of some factors in our life, That in our lives we should always convert all the negativity into positivity and move forward.

Uhuru Peak at Mt. Kilimanjaro
 Coach George also had used an hour or so to train us about ATTITUDE, which was a very interesting and important lesson to youth.

Well we had learned a lot, That's a brief for today, If you need to learn more about it or to attend a next program which will be in March, please send me an email so that we can add you in the list. I repeat, Its Free.

Some of the participants

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