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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thanks God it has rained today in Arusha!

For some time now the City was so dry and dust because it did not rain for some time now, until today at around 3:20pm when it started raining  to 3:35pm.

What a nice Rainbow
Sky was like this

It might be caused the what we call global climatic change, where by in the regions which geographically are suppose to be cold, now we experience very hot weather and less rain. Arusha is a good example of this.

Just outside our office

Lets all act in reducing the effects of global climatic changes, by example reducing the emission of noble gasses eg CO2 from homes and industries, Also by planting enough trees and maintaining them and many other ways.

At last , Raining.....

Though, it wasn't very heavy but honestly we are very great fully coz the place was so hot and dusty.
And now it's shinning again, but with a cool land breeze.

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