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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Having a Dully Boaring Weekend?

 People always wonder what to do on an utterly boring and dull weekend with nothing to do and no money to spend. Here's a solution to your dreadful problem...

  • Eat a nice hot breakfast that you mostly prefer! Along with that, a cup of hot tea or coffee is recommended. Also, orange juice is a great morning drink, because it will give you all the energy you need for the day of relaxation!

  • Take a long, hot shower or bath to get you up and awake, then either get in a clean pair of pajamas or a comfortable outfit such as sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
  • Get on the computer, watch your favorite show, listen to music, etc.

  • Eat again then relax and do whatever suits your interests. Some interesting ideas are to meditate, read, do your hair, dress up for fun, whatever your heart desires!

  • If you're home alone, then let loose and be yourself completely. Do something silly or stupid, scream, release all the week's stress in some just plain dumb ways. You'll feel much better.

  • If it's raining outside and whoever agrees, go walk in the rain; or if you dare, dance in the rain! Just have fun.

  • Get something to look forward to. Think about that long assembly that gets you out of school, or your appointment at work on Monday, or your favorite movie being aired on TV...etc

  • To have fun, you can do anything! If you truly can't think of anything, you can always call an old friend.
  • Another great idea to release the week's stress is to write down your thoughts & feelings.
  • Resist the urge to check on work, call the office or check office emails. Unless you are required.
  • Turn off your cellphone
  • Don't spend time around friends from work since work will almost always come up
  • Plan a few things to do. You'll feel like you got the most out of your weekend. Take a tour, read a book, visit friends or family, do something constructive yet rewarding.
  • Try not to get yourself into trouble! If you want to have a nice relaxing weekend then that won't be very good.

  • If you are required to work, this article is not encouraging you to skip work. If you need to, wait until a weekend you have off.
  • Seriously, try not to get into trouble.
  • If you have kids then this could become a big problem when trying to relax. Get a babysitter or anybody who can help you take care of them and you relax
  • Don't get overly stressed. This is the weekend, after all.
  • Do not get too bored.

 So please Calm Down & Enjoy Your Relaxing Weekend!!

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