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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lets not Forget this; Tanzania - "Kisiwa Cha Amani"

After the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar  forming Tanzania, it had remained the Land of Peace where others(neighbor countries) will run to for their safety
We should not forget that all the citizens regardless our differences in various aspects, together we have a responsibility of keeping this peace.

Its very possible to solve all our problems economically, socially politically etc, without disturbing peace in  the country, as we have all experiences effects of war in our fellow African Counties eg Congo, Somalia etc.

 I am writing this  after the peace instability which had emerged yesterday in Arusha, where several people were injured and at least two were reported killed when the police were trying to dispatch one of the Opposition Political Party (CHADEMA) followers who were demanding for some of their Leaders to be released from the police station where they were taken.
One of the buildings which was affected yesterday in Arusha

This event had disturbed the whole of the City yesterday.
We have witnessed how hard it is without peace as we are used to, So lets all be responsible not to allow it to happen again.

Mungu Ibariki Afrika, Mungu Ibariki Tanzania.

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